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Grieving While Parenting
How do I parent when all I want to do is cry? You feel lost, like your world is crashing all around you and there is absolutely NOTHING you can do about it. You feel hopeless, helpless, angry, and confused. And because of all this stress, sadness and confusion, we have less patience for and are less attentive to the things that matter most to our kids like routine, ritual, reassurance, patience, attention, warmth, guidance, and discipline.
5 Ways to Celebrate your Original Wedding Date for COVID-19 Brides!
You’ve been planning everything in your life around this one day, the date is burned into your mind. And yet, COVID-19 or for reasons out of your control, that date is no longer able to happen. No doubt you are feeling sad, confused and overwhelmed. So even among this rollercoaster of emotions, I encourage you to still celebrate the day to lift spirits and help you “take back the date.”
Quarantine Date Ideas
Stuck at home with kids, no money, and nowhere to go? No problem! My hubby and I sat down, channeled our inner creatives and came up with a whole list of Quarantine Date Ideas that you can do from home that are cheap and free!
7 Mother's Day Gifts Mom's Actually Want
Want to get something for your mom or wife for Mother's Day that actually makes her excited? Look no further than these 7 one-of-a-kind gifts that'll make ALL women happy!
Working from Home with Kids
Work from home mom life, am I right? If you’re not crushing goals you’re changing diapers, getting snacks and breaking up fights! Sometimes we end the day feeling like we didn’t actually get anything done! So, I’m here to offer you a few of the things I’ve learned that help me to be a good mom while STILL be productive.