Thank you 2016 clients!

Wow, 2016 came and went faster than the click of my camera! It has been the best year yet! Between a new baby, moving to a new town, and a new house. My business has continued to thrive thanks to my wonderful clients. I had the pleasure of photographing over 360 people this year alone. But that's not just a number to me... I got to document over 360 of the most important memories for 360 important people! I got to photograph births, families, newborns, infants, children, engagements, seniors and much more! I cannot thank my 2016 clients enough. I have felt incredibly blessed by each of you and have tried my very best to make you feel it! Here's a few pictures that have stood out to me from 2016!


Welcome Ezra Paul!


Why you SHOULD want family pictures in the winter!