A day in the life...

Someone once said, "Time stands still best in moments that look suspiciously like ordinary life."

The other day, I was thinking... wouldn't it be so cool if I had a photographer of my own to walk around all day and just take pictures of my life. I want my kids to know how hard I worked for them. How much I love them. How we played together, laughed together, and even cried together (Lord, help me with my threenager!). So, I thought to myself, what if other people desire the same thing???? Then an idea was born. I want to photograph people living their everyday life. What this means is, I want to follow you around either all day or for a designated amount of time (think like 4-5 hrs) and capture you living your everyday life. They will be called.... "a day in the life."

a day in the life... of a stay at home mom

Because see, while family photos are nice (I love them and have them all over my walls) and even candid ones are adorable. Nothing is more important than remembering what your life was truly like.... right now... in this moment. Whether its you playing with your infants feet during a diaper change, getting your sleepy little one out of bed in the morning (that bed head though <3), your 3 year old throwing a temper tantrum (my day is full of these!). Maybe its your todder sitting on the kitchen floor playing with magnets in her underwear! Or perhaps its something like mommy working so hard at cleaning her house, paying bills, doing dishes, sweeping the floor, trying to make the most perfect life possible for her kids. Or its daddy arriving home from work being tackled by little ones just to be told "play with me, play with me!" Bubble baths, bedtime stories, your toddler struggling so hard to put their jammies on all by themselves, saying your prayers, kisses good night. These are the things that are truly important. This is what is real. These are raw moments of authenticity. Because someday when your kids are grown and gone, these are the moments you want to remember. These are the things you will cling to and never want to forget.

The goal of these sessions are to not be posed AT ALL. I want the photos to be honest. I want the laughter, the tears, the struggle, the pain, the joy, the love, that comes with being a stay at home parent. No matching clothes, no forced smiles. I want unrefined, genuine, complete authenticity. I want you to look at these pictures and feel transported back to that moment. The moments that matter.

a day in the life of... "INSERT YOURSELF HERE"

Whatever it is you dedicate your life doing... REMEMBER IT. That is the goal of this session. Remember. Remember what it was like to be a stay at home parent. Remember what it was like to be a teacher. Remember what it was like to be a nurse. Remember what it was like to be a student. Remember a typical day at the firehouse. Remember what it was like to be YOU!

If you would like to schedule "a day in the life" session, please contact me for details.


25 days of Christmas Pictures Challenge....


41 years....